Thursday, March 24, 2011

When In Madrid, Eat Like the Locals - Tapas!

So Spain is famous for its gourmet availability and one of the must try there is Tapas. I was told to just pop into any pubs and order tapas of varieties. Skip the main course at all times because there are just so much different tapas to try.

For our very first meal in Madrid, we did just as was told. From the hotel, we made a left turn at the corner and just pop into the nearest pub we saw.

Most pubs are small and you are expected to eat while standing. Tapas are the best way to have a great lunch or dinner together with a glass of wine. There are just so many types of them that we do not know how and which to order. Besides, the menu is in Spanish too. Hence the best way to go about this is to ask the chef to recommend. It was good!

First, we have salmon with caviars! Yummy!

Secondly, cheese baked oyster. Meat was so tender and juicy.

Next come the must try recommendation from the internet. This is the local spanish soup with an eye, bread, onions and pork. Having a hot plate of soup during a cold windy day is always a blessing.

Sweet juicy piece of lamb on top of a well toasted bread.

And then came the hero of the whole meal - the dried pork. It is said that it takes approximately 3 years for this meat. Hence this type of pork is always sliced thin and eaten with its original taste. It was really yummy. Meat was tender but well marinated with salt. Normally the thighs are hang around the pub and taken down to slice whenever there is an order for it.

By now, i was already stuffed. I was also busy snapping away. Although the chef was not fluent in English, he wanted to help just take a photo. Happily we let him do it. And i must say thanks to him, this is the only couple photo we had for this trip. haha

And lastly, we had the crisp fried  fish with grilled pepper and bread. I love this the most! The fish was so fresh and juicy. Eaten together with the pepper, it was superb!

Before wrapping up the meal, the chef handed us a plate of sweets and on the house. Thanks so much. I think it was made of mango mixed flour and eaten together with icing. It was the perfect note to end the meal with.

And thus, we have a very happy and stuffed customer smiling into the camera!

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