Thursday, November 4, 2010

House of Loves!

Yep, finally i am back in action to my blogging world. Well had been really really lazy for the past weeks and although i have things that i wanted to blog, there was not enough inspirations or motivations in me. Hahah, anyways i was just plain lazy.

Last saturday, the church where my mum goes to every weekend had a jumble sales. She had been busy with this event for a couple of weeks now asking for people to donate anything that are no longer useful to them, just anything...clothes, shoes, books, magazines, electronic stuff...... Then she was busy going around to hand out flyers regarding the jumbo sales. Poor mum had to walk up stories of the apartments near the church in order to hand out the flyers.

She had also told us so many times to make sure that we will be there to support her mentally but most importantly, to help her buy some stuff secretly. Now the church "forbids" their members to buy anything from the jumbo sales because the intention was to sell those cheap things to the public that need them more.

However, the church also managed to get factories to donate soya sauce, herbs soup packets and etc that are really good and selling them at a really cheap price. Being a cook in the kitchen sometimes, my mum could not pass this golden opportunity to buy all those ingredients she will be needing in the kitchen. Hence i became the important person under this circumstance. I was asked to go there, pretend to be interested in the jumbo sales, but instead is a spy in disguised and my main job will be buying what my mum needs. And so i went.

So after my job was done and safely placed in the car, i went venturing the sales to satisfy my curiosity. The first floor was where the "real" sales was. There were just everything you could think of. Clothing for women, men and kids, shoes, magazines, books, toys, electronic stuff and even kitchen utensils. While my mum was busy showing her friends the clothes that she thought was a must-buy, i went around snapping photos just for fun.

My mum's friend brought along her grandson and was too tied up by him that she had no time to look into the clothes. So in order to divert his attention, my mum decided to bring him tour the toys section which his grandmother had been avoiding ever since they arrived. So i saw them walking into the room, and within 30 seconds they were out!

And he was happily holding a box of new toy he found. Boy, isnt that fast!? And you think the kid will stay quietly and wait for his grandmother to finish shopping?? Nay! Wrong! He grew even more impatient and wanted to go home asap so he could play with his new toys! So strategy diverting-kid's-attention-with-new-toy failed miserably! hahaha

While i was walking around snapping pictures, i saw these and they sure do look familiar! I totally forgotten i have given them to the church some time ago. The old home to my fishes and hamsters! hahah... well too bad i heard that they were left untouched and unsold at the end of the day. I guessed they have priced them too high.

Of course, how could i not take photos of the sisters and brothers of the church who have enriched my mum with a plenty of laughters and made her life more colorful and joyous right?

As for me, at the end of the day, besides being the personal shopper and photographer to my mum, i didnt get myself anything. However, just before i decided to leave, i came across a cute white kitty and fell in love with her. So i decided to adopt her placed her with my mum because she adores the kitty too. And in return, the kitty decided that she will guard mu mum's room while she is away during the day....
Haha i am just kidding! Miss Cofi Chen would have bully the kitty and turn the house into a mess if that was true. All i bought was a kitty door-stopper.

But hey, it sure does look like a kitty is waiting by the door aint it?

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