Sunday, January 24, 2010


I was debating with myself really hard the whole day today. I am a lazy person in nature. Every single time i would be excited to set up a date with my friends but only to have the lazy worm crawled itself into my head when on the day of the appointment. And each time i have to fight really hard to over come my laziness and drag my heavy ass out from the house and get myself driving to the location.

Today was one of those days.

But what was special about today is it is the big day of one of my primary school friends. I accepted his wedding invitation months ago and he even took the initiative to send me his wedding invitation card to my door step! How sweet of him.

Anyway i was saying about my laziness. The lazy worm was playing with my thoughts the whole day telling me that Cheras is just to darn far away from PJ. So i was debating within myself for a long long time. I knew i was so disappointed when i missed the reunion dinner with my secondary classmates the last time. So this time around, i pushed myself to dress up and drag myself out from the house. Boy i was glad i did!

It was like a reunion of primary classmates. Although it was just the 8 of us but it was a really long time since we last met, well at least for me. It seems that they do meet up a lot and they did a lot of things together. I had fun listening to all the latest news about them as well as those who didint turn up. The greatest thing is seeing 2 of them getting together and getting married soon. So wonderful!

What a great night. I am so proud of myself for going to the wedding dinner and best of all, having a fabulous time with them. How i wish i can have more chances!

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