Friday, May 14, 2010

Dissecting Love

Today is a gloomy and raining day. The weather took a 180 degrees turned again since yesterday. Have not been seeing the sun a lot lately and the wind is blowing strongly again, making it rather nice to sleep in on a cold day.

Well our brilliant security guards decided to turn off the heather system again. The last time he did it, it was because the weather was turning to rather nice temperature but then the cold breeze decided to come back, and we have to ask him to turn on the heathers again because it was simply too cold. Now that they did it again, i am lazy to ask them to turn it on again. So instead, i closed all the windows and have a really nice blanket sitting in the living room where i could crawl with Cofi under it.

Someone asked me why is love so intriguingly seductive and what is love all about?

I am not sure if i know the right answer to this. But i do know love is at its peak of attractiveness at the beginning only when both are trying to figure out if the other party have feelings for them. It is this guessing games that makes love so attractive and irresistible.  It is also during this stage that we will paint a lot of nice pictures about the other party. We could dream all about them in the nicest way ever because we have not really get to know them yet, and there were also never any bad memories of  fightings, shoutings, disappointments, angers, us. All we could see is that the person is the perfect one for us.

But of course, after awhile, the reality sets in. There is never a similar me in this world. Sometimes, i would not want a similar me in this world either because i think 1 of me is bad enough. No matter how much i love myself, there will always be bits and pieces that i hate about myself, that i wished i could changed but never. So if there is a second me, its like blowing up on all the things i like twice! Since there is never a 2nd me, we will now find things that we hate about our partner. The little things that set our anger off. The things that we wish they could change but never. Then we began to consider if the relationship is worth it. And then comes acceptance and eventually after a long long time, we got so used to our partner that we question ourselves again if we really do love them. By this time, we could never paint the perfect picture of our partner in our mind because we have seen all the evils in them.  Some will call it quit, some managed to hurdled through these pitfalls and stay put together.

I guess this is what love is all about. Of course every person and everything thing will have their attractiveness at the beginning. But when the novelty wears off, do we just simply throw them out and continue searching for the next new thing? And now that i come to think of it, i suddenly remember the quote from McDull not so long ago....

真正的奇蹟, 並不是當某些事情忽然見“當” 一聲的出現。 真正的奇蹟, 是當那走的很慢很慢 的老爺鐘,經過了漫長的數十年, 依然風雨不改的,依然老老實實的為我們不停的報上時間......

McDull's words of wisdom:
A true miracle is not when something appears suddenly. A true miracle is when that really really old grandfather clock is still ticking after all the years, and still chimes obediently at the right seconds..

I guess now i could answer my friend that love is like the grandfather clock in the house. It used to be the newest toy in town, then it got phased out by something newer. But you still keep it because you have grew to love it, it still works its wonders and will always be a significant piece in your house. In this case, in our heart.

Never thought i could learn so much from an animation. No wonder i love McDull!

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